
DEMIURG will carry out redevelopment of a vacant building on Wieniawskiego Street

More than six years ago, the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences bought the villa from the Poznan City Hall in order to adapt it for its own use. Due to the state in which the building was in, it was necessary to raise sufficiently large funds to enable comprehensive renovation work. After several years of effort, ICHB PAN secured the required funds and last November launched a tender for the reconstruction of the building under the design and build formula. The investor took great care to verify the experience of the participants in the bidding

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Modern space for social integration designed in historic granary

The panorama of Grudziądz is best known for its medieval granary complex stretching along the Vistula River. Twenty-six contiguous structures make up the Monument of History, established by the President of Poland in 2017. The distinctive brick facades with prominent buttresses are set on a slope surrounding the river, making them appear even taller and more majestic. Their history dates back to the beginning of the 14th century, when they were part of the city’s defense system, contributing to the defense walls of Grudziądz. Due to the class of the monument, such buildings are rarely adapted to completely modern functions,

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